PROSPER staff have been involved in teaching various courses at Iowa State University. The PROSPER investigators incorporate the findings from research projects into undergraduate and graduate level classes in civil engineering at Iowa State such as those listed here.
CE 583/CE483 Pavement Analysis and Design
Analysis, behavior, performance, and structural design of pavement systems. Topics include climate factors, rehabilitation, life cycle design economics, material and system response, pavement foundations and traffic loadings. Development of models for and analysis of pavement systems. Use of transfer functions relating pavement response to pavement performance. Evaluation and application of current and evolving pavement design practices and procedures. Mechanistic-based pavement design techniques and concepts. Analysis of the effects of maintenance activities on pavement performance and economic evaluation of pavement systems.
CE 560 Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics
Nature of soil deposits, seepage, settlement and secondary compression, consolidation theories and analysis, failure theories, stress paths, introduction to critical state soil mechanics, constitutive models, soil strength under various drainage conditions, liquefaction of soil, pore pressure parameters, selection of soil parameters.
CE 485 Civil Engineering Design
The civil engineering design process, interacting with the client, identification of the engineering problems, development of a technical proposal, identification of design criteria, cost estimating, planning and scheduling, codes and standards, development of feasible alternatives, selection of best alternative, and oral presentation.
CE 590/490 Independent Study
Independent study in any phase of civil engineering. Pre-enrollment contract required. No more than 6 credits of C E 490 may be counted towards engineering topics electives.
CE 382 Design of Concretes (PCC and ACC)
Physical and chemical properties of bituminous, portland, and other cements; aggregate properties and blending; mix design and testing of concretes; admixtures, mixing, handling, placing and curing; principles of pavement thickness design.
CE 360 Geotechnical Engineering
Introduction to geotechnical engineering and testing. Identification and classification tests, soil water systems, principles of settlement, stresses in soils, and shear strength testing; slope stability, retaining walls, bearing capacity